Wednesday 10 October 2012

Hamilton To Mercedes, the right thing to do?

In short, yes.
As a Hamilton fan from the start, I'm also a McLaren fan and like many, felt initially devastated at the announcement that he was leaving for Mercedes from McLaren, going from a successful team to a relatively unsuccessful team. When the first rumors of this move came I shrugged them off as non sense like with the Red Bull rumors of last summer and even when Eddie Jordan announced he was 'Definitely leaving' I still wasn't convinced. I thought there would be no chance of Lewis leaving to go to a team that has won only one race this year, it at the time seemed like a ludicrous idea and I personally could not see it as a possibility.

However only when it was announced officially, and once I had accepted the decision, did I begin to realize that this was a very considered and possibility brilliant move. Think about it, Lewis could be onto his 3rd WDC at this moment but he is not, bad cars and team errors coupled with a few (only a few) of his own have prevented this. If you can't achieve something after multiple tries, you change your technique, everyone does this in everyday life and it only makes sense that Hamilton is taking a different route to success after 3 failed attempts since his last title with McLaren.

There has been talk of him being disloyal, but how many drivers stay with the same team for as long as he has done? It is unheard of and I believe he would have been criticized had he stayed with McLaren for any longer, there would have been comments made of him playing it safe, or taking the easy route. Mercedes are a team that are fully committed to becoming a winning front runner in Formula One and they are making many changes which I believe will eventually come good. Hamilton is more than capable of pushing Mercedes to the top within the next few years,We only have to look at what Schumacher did with Ferrari to see it is completely possible, they were a struggling team that had not won a championship in a long time and when he arrived they won 5 consecutively thanks to his drive and determination.

Those are two things that Lewis Hamilton certainly has and although this move could make or break his career, I am hoping, and confident, that it is the former.

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