Thursday 28 June 2012

Sporting etiquette

Anyone reading this blog likely follows me on twitter and is likely an F1 fan, so I'm sure you all have your own opinions on the incident between Maldonado and Hamilton. I read some comments that suggested Pastor deserves to have his super licence revoked and to be removed from the sport as obviously this is not the first incident like this he has been responsible for. But as much as I think he is a danger on track, especially when frustrated, I don't feel comfortable with the idea of taking a drivers licence away especially when they have won a race this season. People were saying similar things about Lewis Hamilton last year during his most troubled season for more frequent offences and I know had that been followed through, the world would have been in uproar. Believe it or not but Pastor is well known in his home country as he is the only Venezuelan driver and probably one of the most famous Venezuelans today, stripping him of his license would crush a nation and even I couldn't do that, regardless of how much I dislike him.

The solution to the problem with Pastor, I believe, lies with a simple conversation. If a race steward or someone influential like Frank Williams just sat down with him and explained to him what he is doing wrong then maybe he may in future think before he acts. Prevention is the greatest cure after all.

I can't help but feel that young drivers are taking more risks with their driving as a result of the increased safety measures and the decreasing risk of death/injury today. And a part of me worries that change will only come after the worst has happened.
Although a lack of sporting etiquette is sometimes evident in the greatest of drivers today. Schumacher, Hamilton and Alonso have all been to blame for controversial incidents over the years, perhaps the problems are rooted deeper than just the rookies...

Who knows?