Friday 11 May 2012

The fall of the Media

The question 'what do you want to be when you're older?' is becoming ever frequent lately, those who know me will know that I am intent on having a career in Journalism. The idea of writing for a living appeals to me, and of course there are the perks of travelling, meeting new people and perhaps working in television and/or Radio.

But whilst watching the news coverage of the Leveson inquiry recently, I found myself wondering if I wanted to become a part of this corrupt, deceitful world. This inquiry into the ethics of the British press came about as a result of the News Of The World phone hacking scandal, I'm certain you all know it. This has stained the reputation of Journalism. It was already a profession that was disliked by most celebrities, now however Journalists are becoming the bad guys of society.

However I realized I should make this an extra incentive to become a professional Journalist, I want to show the positives of this world and report on things that matter, In a way that does not intrude on the personal lives of others.

So, In order to achieve this I have decided I will try my very hardest to only report on two things.
Events and news that matters to everyone (e.g war, crime, economy, politics)
Or Events/News that matters to me personally (F1, Music etc)

If at any point I find myself writing irrelevant stories on the affairs and private lifes of the rich and famous, I will stop.